DPM Systems

Recoil Reduction System for Springfield DS Prodigy 4.25in. AOS 9mm

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Product Overview

DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for Springfield Armory 1911 DS PRODIGY 4.25″ AOS 9MM HANDGUN

The system works due to the multi spring intricate rod (3 springs) and controls the functionality of the pistol. The third spring which is contained within the rod controls the movement of the slide so it never rams on the frame.

The system includes 3 different in length spacers, a spring plug, a red pressure plate tool, a metallic cup screw tool and 3 different external springs. The long spacer offers a heavy buffer effect, moving to shorter spacers a lighter buffer effect is being noticed.

Washers differentiate only the buffer force (slide full open position) and the external springs differentiate only the slide closed position (slide on the battery).

Power Rates:

Short Spacer With:  Slide on the battery (idle position)  Slide full open position (approx.)
Short Spring 5.0 lbs 14.3 lbs
Medium Spring 5.51 lbs 14.3 lbs 
Long Spring 6.39 lbs 14.3 lbs 
Medium Spacer With: Slide on the battery (idle position)  Slide full open position (approx.)
Short Spring 5.29 lbs 18.7 lbs
Medium Spring 5.84 lbs 18.7 lbs
Long Spring 6.5 lbs 18.7 lbs
Long Spacer With:  Slide on the battery (idle position)  Slide full open position (approx.)
Short Spring 5.51 lbs 21 lbs
Medium Spring 6.06 lbs 21 lbs
Long Spring 6.60 lbs 21 lbs


Overall Advantages:

  • Faster follow up shots
  • Improved firing speed
  • Slide and Frame Protection
  • Elimination of jams
  • Significant recoil reduction
  • Better double-tap concentration
  • Better control and greater accuracy